Celebrate achievements big and small with targeted recognition

Show your people some love, help your team feel valued every day

Strengthen relationships between employees, boost confidence in your teams and spot your unsung heroes with Wotter’s recognition feature. 

Book a free, no obligation call with our employee engagement experts.

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Help employees connect

Strengthen relationships with recognition

Your employees help each other out in little ways every day, but they don’t always talk in person.

Wotter gives them an easy way to send a heartfelt thank you to anybody in the company. Because why should praise be limited to the occasional meeting with your line manager? 

Give your teams a quick prompt to show their appreciation and watch relationships flourish.

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Retain top talent

Reduce staff turnover with a better culture

Lack of recognition is one of the top reasons given by employees for leaving a job. Everybody wants their hard work to be seen and heard – so amplify the voices saying thank you!

Build appreciation into your company culture to keep your top performers on board…and to attract some new talent from the competition.

Spot your unsung heroes

Identify key players with recognition leaderboards

Find out who’s putting in the extra work behind the scenes with recognition leaderboards! 

View leaderboards across departments to see which employees are going above and beyond in supporting their team – and show them some extra appreciation. 

Sometimes, the people who keep your culture alive aren’t your technical high-flyers, but they’re essential to your success.


Help your employees feel valued

Book a free, no obligation call with our employee engagement experts.