How to launch Wotter for high app engagement: 11 tips

Section of the Wotter platform titled 'App Engagement Levels' and shows high monthly app engagement, a Total of 220/263 employees, then shows a split of the app engagement within each Department, e.g. 29/38 in Customer Service and 31/37 in Operations.

You already know the power of employee feedback on employee engagement – but getting that feedback all hinges on your team engaging with the survey itself.

Luckily, our clients see an average of 75% engagement with the Wotter app. Meanwhile, our top performers see engagement in the 90%s – and you can too with the right approach!

Kick off your Wotter journey with a strong launch to get your teams excited about giving feedback.

Here’s some tips…

1. Get the word out

First things first, your employees need to know what Wotter is and why it should matter to them.

To make things easier, we’ve put together a series of email templates for you to send to your teams before, during and after the launch. When your employees understand the platform fully, you’ll get their buy-in and the feedback will start flowing.

2. Get involved with our pre-launch meeting

Invite your senior leadership team to our pre-launch video meeting, where we’ll learn more about your business and give you personalised advice for the launch. In this meeting, you’ll meet your Wotter human, who will be the person on hand to give you support from this point on.

You’ll get to tell us how much or little involvement you want from Wotter during the launch, and we can let you do your own thing or put a plan in place to help – the choice is yours. (Extra help or support never costs you anything extra.)

3. Set up a Wotter Q&A for your teams

Your employees are bound to have questions – and we’re on hand to answer any of them.

Get in contact with your Wotter human to set up a free Q&A video meeting. We can host meetings for management, middle management and employees – together or separately, depending on the size of your company – to help everybody understand how exactly Wotter works. Drop-in/drop-out meetings work well for most organisations as they give everybody the choice to get involved and stop wasted time.

Inviting employees to a Q&A is especially powerful, as they get to see the dashboard as you will see it, allaying any worries about anonymity.

4. Events

Create an event to promote Wotter on your launch day and you’ll drum up some excitement whilst spreading awareness.

Our client Gamma Aviation hired a burrito van for their employees on launch day and topped each burrito with a little Wotter flag! Check out the clip of their launch – 

5. Desk-drops

Many of our clients have done desk-drops on launch day – whether that’s a Welcome Pack they’ve put together, or a bag of Wotsits for each employee, or mobile phone shaped cards with ‘Have you been on Wotter?’ printed on them.

Finding something physical on your desk snaps you out of the automatic workflow and works as a great reminder.

6. Desktops

Set a Wotter screensaver of your choice on your employees’ desktops during launch week to keep the reminders coming! Here’s one we made earlier…

Desktop Backgrounds

7. Wotter merch

Treat your employees to some Wotter pens, t-shirts, mugs, notebooks or anything else you like the look of from our Wotter shop. We’ve got posters, stickers, magnets…okay, you get the picture.


Check out our bundles and deals at the Wotter shop.

8. Employee incentives

Get past that first hurdle of logging in by incentivising your teams during the launch.

You can enter employees who are active on the app into a gift voucher raffle, or go for something more radical – one of our clients offered the first team to reach 100% app engagement an extra day of holiday!

9. Leader incentives

Motivate your senior leaders to use Wotter and they’re sure to pass the message on to their teams.

To find the right incentive, first look at your employee engagement goals as a business. Are you looking for a higher eNPS score? Do you want to improve ED&I? Once you’ve found a goal, you can incentivise your leaders based on it.

One of our clients ties their senior leaders’ bonuses directly to the eNPS scores of their departments, motivating their leaders to work for a better score and for higher engagement from their team on the app.

10. Give us your update ideas

You’ll have a direct line to Wotter HQ, so if you’ve got an idea about how the platform could work better for your business, give your Wotter human a call or an email and we’ll see what we can do.

When we get a good suggestion, we move quickly to make it happen. When our client Revere came on board, they had a great idea about a new feature, so we ran with it and had the feature live within 24 hours. So get in touch!

11. Stop! Wotter time

Dedicate a bit of time to answering questions on Wotter – a few minutes at the start of a weekly meeting should be plenty of time.

Make sure you remind your teams about Wotter like this regularly, especially in the early days, to help build the platform into your culture.

Employees have the flexibility to answer questions daily, weekly or fortnightly, so you can choose how often to do Wotter time depending on what works best for each of your teams.

What’s next? Post-launch engagement…

So you’ve done a great launch and got high app engagement – now what?

Keep your employees answering questions by giving them 360° feedback; broadcast the actions you’re taking to improve areas your teams have highlighted.

Schedule a follow-up survey to track the impact of your action and remind your employees that their voice really matters. Because the biggest make or break of survey engagement is what you do with the feedback.

Looking for some tips on people strategy? Check out these 5 secrets from the CEO of the Investors in People, Paul Devoy.


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