Staying on the pulse at Revere

With our previous platform, we would do the survey, we’d get a load of data through, we’d get out a massive spreadsheet, and then we’d have action planning sessions with each team and each department individually to talk to them about things that scored relatively low, and then ask them: 'How can we improve this?' and 'What does good look like for you?'

It was a lengthy process, and now with Wotter it’s just done straightaway. All our feedback now is on the pulse, live, every day. We’re able to respond live to people and embrace that feedback culture.

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Wotter ranked No.1 employee survey provider in HE framework by advanced procurement for universities and colleges (APUC)

In October 2023, Wotter was ranked No.1 in the Staff Engagement Survey framework agreement (Lot 1) created by the Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC). This framework was put…

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